Tuesday 11 March 2014


Today's Food Log:
Breakfast - Two Pomegranate Raspberry Greek Yogurt's & 1 Sweet & Salty Almond Granola Bar
Lunch - Cheese Bagel toasted and lightly buttered and another granola bar
Dinner - Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette (Cucumber, Tomato, Cilantro, Red Onion)
Snack: Yet another Almond Granola Bar
Beverages - 2 cups of water, Almond Milk, Apple Juice, and 1 Chillate.

Today's Workout:
15 Minute Walk
20 Crunches
15 Push-Ups
20 Squats
10 Lunges per leg
10 Side Lunges per leg
15 Push-Ups
Plank Hold (1 Minute)
Side Plank Hold (1 Minute per side)
Skater Hops:
Stand on your right foot with your right knee bent, left leg lifted behind you. Lower your body into a squat, then jump to the left, landing on your left leg and bringing your right foot back behind you (keep it hovering off the ground). Pause in the position, then jump back onto your right foot, bringing your left foot bent behind you. Repeat this movement for one minute.